News: UPDATE - The next Parish Meeting will be on Monday 20th January 2025.

Welcome to Reeth Parish Council

The Vestry minute book includes details of a meeting held in the Friends School, Reeth on 4th December 1894 for the purpose of electing Parish Councillors. Nominations were taken followed by a poll by a show of hands with the result that Francis Raw, John Robinson, Marmaduke Clarkson, John Martin and John Irwin were appointed (although Marmaduke Clarkson doesn’t appear to have taken up the position). At a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Board Room on 31st December 1894, the members present voted unanimously to make John Robinson Chairman. At the following meeting, held on the 8th January 1895 John Martin became Vice Chairman and John Robinson became Clerk (as well as Chairman). Ordinary meetings of the Parish Council were to be held on the first Friday of each month and be open to the public.

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